Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Beginnings and Decluttering

A new year has begun and with that many of us have started thinking about our "resolutions"; things we'd like to see happen for 2016, whether it's physical goals, spiritual goals, family goals, business goals, home goals, etc. I read that only 8% of these are actually met. Why? Because we don't come up with a plan. It's easy to SAY what we'd like to have happen, but it's a whole other ball game to actually DO it.
I have a whole page of things I've jotted down for this year and yes, I'll probably be in that 8% on some of them. However, I thought we could do some brain storming on here with something my house desperately needs:
I have had it. Done. Ka-put. Finished.
It always happens this time of year. Stuff seems to mass produce and it is everywhere. The busyness of the holiday months finally settles down and you look around and wonder why your house looks like a bomb went off. What? You're saying this only happens to me?
So, I've slowly taken to decluttering this joint.
I purge my house every single year for a yard sale and it somehow still happens. I have seen many bloggers recommend this book,
so I got it with some Christmas money. I have barely started the thing (did I mention I was moving slow), so I can't give you my review, but others say it works.

*ETA-I was advised that there are some religion ideas in the book that I don't agree with, but that she has some good practical advice, as well. Please read at your own risk and don't go running around saying Jenny worships idols.

Another review has come in. Many Religious reviews that we do not believe to be truth. Sorry, guys. 
Plan of Attack:
~Book ordered...check.
~Take book upstairs...check.
~First 3 pages read...check.
Seriously, I decided to take it one thing at a time and I started with my bathroom linen closet. We never did paint it because when the door's shut, who knows?! Yeah, that's how we roll.

  Ideally, all the "extra" bottles were supposed to stay lined up in a row, toys in basket, sheets somewhat in order as I have yet to master folding them, etc. 
Reality. Close door. Out of sight, out of mind.

I can't stand that!

 I am always admiring organized pantries, closets, scrapbook nooks, etc. that have matchy-matchy storage totes. So, for Christmas I requested some new towels. It was time. I was using ones I took to college. HA! I then unloaded the whole thing and we gave it a fresh coat of paint. We already had the gray color, so I went with it.
So much better! I went through everything and pitched stuff that wasn't used or added it to a garage sale tote. The gray storage bins are from Target. They have decorative collapsible baskets for their cube storage now. The other baskets I had on hand. The towels are from Walmart.

So, how do you keep your home under control? We'd love to hear your advice in the comments.



  1. Ok girlie of mine. That is beautiful...if a closet can be beautiful.

  2. I could not agree more! I'm so over all the junk and clutter around here. I'm all about simplifying this year! This inspires me - your closet looks amazing!

  3. Regarding the a christian I had to throw this book away after I read it. The author has worked in idol temples and she talks to the house and objects in the house. Frankly it gave me the creeps.

    1. Ooooohhh, thank you for that heads-up. That is definitely not something I would recommend.

    2. p.s. I should have also mentioned that your closet looks amazing!! :)

    3. Aw, thank you! And, thank you again for the heads up.

  4. I've been slowly going through my house according to the Marie Kondo book--with the help of a good checklist I found online, because American homes seem to have so much stuff that falls into her Miscellaneous section. I also recommend Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern. This book is especially good at helping you figure out where it's logical for YOU to store things and organize things.

    1. Thank you for the suggestion!! I'm going to have to hunt me up a checklist, as well.

  5. I completely agree with Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage. While the advice is good, it's not a book I will keep on hand. Her ideas of thanking each item and talking to each item, etc, kinda freaked me out. It came to me highly recommended by another Christian, but maybe it didn't phase her, I don't know. I do know I have cleaned out a ton of clutter and it did help me with organizing! The closet looks amazing!!!
